
Transformative Mega Trends in the United States through 2030

Transformational Growth Opportunities in a Country Facing Converging Forces of Change

Life in America, chapter 1 of a 3-part series, examines the complex intersections of social, education, work, political, economic, and urbanization trends set to converge in the next decade.

As these trends collide, businesses must prepare for a number of strategic imperatives. Key among these are geopolitical chaos, transformative mega trends, and internal challenges. In the near term, COVID-19 will be the driving force of geopolitical chaos, but as the decade marches on, we can expect to see continual political polarization, in which digital and income divides become more pronounced.

Social trends will be among the most influential transformative mega trends, with so many social shifts set to occur: the evolution of millennials, the rise of Gen Z, an expanding elderly demographic, the growth of Hispanic and Asian populations, and increasing digital divides. Education will play a significant role as a transformative mega trend, led by the pupil cliff, pupil shifts, and the urgency of corporate reskilling. Last, businesses will face internal challenges as job automation and acceleration reconfigure the workforce.


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