• Robotics in Military and Defense Applications: What are the Ground-breaking Growth Opportunities?
    Surveillance, logistic support, explosive detection and neutralization are high impact sectors


    Various military operations increasingly choose to deploy robots due to the advantages they provide in various safety, surveillance, and rescue operations. These robots help troops improve the accuracy of a task, provide flexibility to perform multiple functions, shorten the time required to complete tasks and enable traversing in hazardous environments while facilitating longer operations with full efficiency.

    • What are the future advancements in robotics, such as composite artificial intelligence (AI), decision intelligence, and responsible AI, and how do they enable robots to make complex decisions and establish trust? How might these advancements shape the future of robotic systems in various domains?

    • What is the impact of geopolitical crises on the robotic surveillance sector, and how does it drive the demand for military automation?

    • How does bio-inspired robotics draw inspiration from natural examples to create robotic vehicles and gadgets in the field of biochemical engineering and nanotechnology, and what are the potential applications and benefits of such designs in enhancing security and defense systems?

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