• Powder Coatings: Which Growth Opportunities Will Power the Scaling of this Sector?
    Strategies to strengthen sustainable product R&D lead to transformational growth - powder coating sector, industrial powder coating sector, powder coating sector


    Powder coatings are used in electrical appliances, transportation, architectural, furniture, industrial, pipeline, and agricultural, construction, and mining equipment (ACME) end-use applications. Powder coatings demonstrate an increasing preference over conventional liquid paints and other coating types in several applications, driving demand growth. In addition, the expansion of end-use sectors will contribute to growth during the next few years.

    • The rising product commoditization translates into reduced profit margins, challenging powder coating manufacturers.

    • Manufacturers should develop customized chemistries to improve product performance for specific sub-applications, increase margins, and gain a competitive advantage.

    • Powder coating applicators and end users face challenges that require solutions to minimize wastage during the application, enhance application quality, and support large component coating.

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