• How to Effectively Leverage Growth Opportunities for Carbon Capture Applications in Blue Hydrogen?
    Growth potential enhanced by regulatory frameworks, industrial decarbonization, and innovations in CCUS

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    Blue hydrogen production is among the topmost growing segments of the carbon capture, utilization, and storage (CCUS) sector.

    • In which industrial sectors is the demand for blue hydrogen expected to grow as a low-carbon energy source, and what are the key reasons for this demand in sectors such as automobiles, fertilizers, and chemicals?

    • How does carbon capture, utilization, and storage (CCUS) enable the production of blue hydrogen, and what role does it play in decarbonization efforts by capturing carbon emissions?

    • What are the main drivers behind the projected exponential growth of the blue hydrogen sector after 2024, and how does government support, such as funding and regulations, contribute to its development and deployment?

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