• What are the Top Growth Opportunities for the North American Power Sector?
    Acceleration of renewable energy (RE) deployment, disruptive technologies, and the growing energy diversification will shape growth strategies


    As the North American power sector evolves and competition intensifies, it is becoming increasingly important for participants to accelerate innovation and develop sustainable growth strategies.

    • Globally, governments are looking for solutions across sectors to mitigate climate change and support decarbonization, and the renewable energy, carbon capture storage and utilization (CCSU), digitalization, electrification, energy storage, and hydrogen sector hold the most significant opportunities.

    • The route to decarbonization requires supportive regulatory frameworks that mandate energy efficiency and emission reduction measures across all sectors.

    • To achieve a low-carbon future, significant changes are required.

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    A Growth Pipeline Dialog is a structured open discussion with our growth experts providing unparalleled industry intelligence, technology advancements, and proven implementation best practices. This discussion will spark innovative thinking and help generate a pipeline of growth opportunities you can leverage to maximize your company’s future growth potential.


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