• Which Growth Prospects Showcase Vast Potential in the Breach and Attack Simulation Space?
    Lack of BAS product awareness limits adoption while vendors receive pressure to offer more capabilities at lower costs

    Research Overview

    Cyberadversaries use sophisticated technologies to launch advanced and targeted attacks against organizations. As a result, organizations must proactively identify security blind spots to prevent significant damage.

    At the same time, security control validation takes time when organizations resort to traditional methodologies such as penetration testing, red team exercises, or vulnerability management. Too many alerts, point-in-time snapshots of security posture, lack of actionable insights, and limited coverage of attack surface are a few shortcomings of existing methodologies.

    Breach and attack simulation (BAS) tools help enterprises test their security resiliency by running simulations of attacks on IT infrastructure. BAS tools provide a well-rounded, continuous, and automated assessment of organizations’ security posture. This study offers a detailed exploration of this topic.


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