• Recent Advancements Powering the Growth of Asia-Pacific Fixed Broadband
    Transformative mega trends drive the growth of fixed broadband in Asia-Pacific

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    Remote working and online learning have transformed the fixed broadband market in Asia-Pacific. These market trends drove up usage of high-data- and high-bandwidth-intensive applications, such as telecommuting, video conferencing and streaming, which increased the demand for high-speed and reliable internet connectivity. However, the growing adoption of digital applications, intelligent connections, and computing devices within the household and enterprise are adding a constraint to the current fixed-line network infrastructure.

    Customers, including residential end users, small and medium enterprises, and large enterprises, are experiencing weak performance in network speeds, bandwidth, and coverage. Although the demand for fixed broadband has increased, it has shifted to residential and rural areas, where internet connectivity is expensive, unavailable, or insufficient. Thus, the digital divide in the Asia-Pacific region has widened and is further as a large portion of the region’s population still does not have access to the internet. Accessibility and affordability are the top growth drivers of fixed broadband services.


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