• Healthcare Mobility Solutions: What Growth Opportunities are Powered by Robust Technologies?
    Artificial intelligence, the internet of things, and blockchain technology improve hospital communications and patient data security

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    Healthcare mobility relates to the use of mobile technologies, such as mobile devices and mHealth, to enhance patient care in hospitals or healthcare facilities by optimizing the workforce and improving communication, data management, and health monitoring. Healthcare mobility solutions have several advantages, including enhancing communication among healthcare workers in a hospital, enabling remote patient management, automating administrative tasks, saving time and costs, and ensuring patient data security.

    In this study, Frost & Sullivan focuses on the three main applications of healthcare mobility solutions: communication, patient management, and workforce management. We determine unmet needs, identify vital technologies, and discuss essential factors for a successful healthcare mobility solution for each application. The report also analyzes significant funding activities in North America, Europe, and Asia; notable partnerships; and the patent landscape for healthcare mobility solutions.


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