  • The Top 50 Emerging Technologies of 2021
    Multi-billion dollar technologies transforming the global economy and our future

    Research Overview

    For over a decade, Frost & Sullivan’s Emerging Technology experts have provided specific outcomes to critical questions, guiding organizations through The Top 50 Emerging Technologies Platform. We are a team of experts that understand the science, the technology, and the details. Our cutting-edge intelligence on the 50 most valuable and disruptive technologies reveals those most poised to impact the world over the next four years. Our unparalleled discovery research includes thousands of technologies spanning nine technology clusters across corporate, government, academic, and research organizations worldwide.

    The 11th edition reveals technology advancements made over the last year as a result of constantly churning tech ecosystems. It provides insight into how these converging technologies will open up unprecedented opportunities for new revenue models and innovative solutions that will transform the world in which we live. This analysis is performed by a team that has lived technology discovery for decades. It is a call-to-action for CXO‘s, technology, strategy and innovation executive focused on explosive growth in the near future.


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